Edward T Martin Show Featuring Hilary Kemp  

Edward T Martin Show Featuring Hilary Kemp

In the dance of life, everyone needs a good partner.

Author: Edward T Martin

The Deconstruction Of Myth, With A Sense Of Humor Divining Fact From Fiction Since 2009
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Language: en-us

Genres: Society & Culture

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Thursday, 25 September, 2014

Edward T's New Page:  Where Would Ed Drink One Man's Journey to Visit Every Coffee Shop in Seattle. This Could Take a Lifetime. Website: Facebook: Edward T has a vision: To visit every coffee shop in Seattle. In Oklahoma City, this wouldn't be much of an undertaking. In Seattle, this is nothing short of Herculean. Each visit sums up each coffee shop and its amenities. Less a review and more of a informational summary, Edward T tells you about the basics and extras of each shop - what kind of chairs and tables, how big is it, does it have power outlets? Basic stuff, sure, but stuff to help you decide where to go in the city known for coffee.


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