Food Addiction, the Problem and the Solution  

Food Addiction, the Problem and the Solution

Exploring the Problem of Food Addiction and Presenting Solutions

Author: Esther Helga Gudmundsdottir

Language: en

Genres: Health & Fitness, Mental Health, Nutrition

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I Broke My Own Heart
Episode 29
Monday, 16 September, 2024

Christine G. was raised in an alcoholic home and was often compared by her parents to a sibling and was expected to be different. As a child, she began using food to cope with this treatment and she reached her highest body weight of 229.  Her lowest weight was 95 pounds as she suffered many years with bulimia and food addiction. At the age of 13, Christine experienced a traumatic personal violation and didn’t tell anyone for many years. In her addiction, she used food and bulimic behaviors to deal with feelings.   To the people in her life, she appeared to have it all together yet became masterful in secretly using food and vomiting daily. It was not until she became honest by facing reality in a residential treatment program for food addiction, SHiFT, Recovery by Acorn, (SHiFT, Recovery by Acorn // Here she spoke the truth about her bulimia and began to take action and recover.    Today Christine is open and honest about her food use and bulimic tendencies as she works a food program recovery program (Food Recovery Programs // Christine lives a simpler, quieter life and has learned to love herself as she lives in the present moment at peace with no more secrets. 


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