That King Thing  

That King Thing

Author: That King Thing

Join the King brothers, Thomas, Joshua & James, as they navigate through the conversations you never knew you needed to hear all accompanied by some brotherly banter and laughs. If you ever wondered how an seemingly ordinary topic could be turned on it's head, we will likely have the answers!
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Language: en

Genres: Society & Culture

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Travel Plans Post-Covid #247
Episode 247
Thursday, 27 May, 2021

Thomas & Joshua talk places they have been and want to get back to once covid travel restrictions ease in the future, along with talking places they'd like to go visit but have never been lucky enough to. Discord: Twitter: Facebook: Patreon: That King Thing Podcast (TKT) is Thomas King, Joshua King and James King. Three brothers navigating through the conversations you never knew you needed to hear all accompanied by some brotherly banter and laughs. If you ever wondered how an seemingly ordinary topic could be turned on it's head, we will likely have the answers! Germany | Stuttgart | Berlin | Spain | Barcelona | Nerja | Hungary | Budapest | Las Vegas | Nevada | Utah | Colorado | Seattle | Washington | USA | United States of America | Australia | Melbourne | Sydney | Adelaide | Japan | Italy | Rome | Greece | Athens | France | Brittany | Carnac Stones


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