

Author: Retromash

A mishmash of 70s/80s/90s retro gaming, TV, movies, toys, comics, gadgets, food, music and misc geekery. All seen with a modern day eye. The Retromash podcast consists of interviews with stars from the 80s or people who are involved in retro 80s somehow today.
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Language: en

Genres: Society & Culture

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Ep 3 - Jamie Benning from Filmumentaries
Wednesday, 8 July, 2015

Up until now my interviews have been with 80 yr old men who were famous for wearing white suits. Jamie Benning is not 80 yrs old and I’m not sure what colour suits he prefers. Jamie is not a star from the 1980s. He’s the same age as me but he is championing movies from the 80s by means of his fantastic filmumentaries. See my recent blog post for more info about his filmumentaries and you can also visit Watch my Twitter feed later today where I will be running a competition to win a signed poster from Jamie. Massive thanks to Jamie Benning for inviting me into his home and letting me interview him for the podcast. You can view Jamie’s work at Music – Happy Chiptune by SoniauVoiceovers by Spike Real


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