Chapters and Tea  

Chapters and Tea

Author: Sarahs_reads

You're listening to Chapters and Tea: Conversations about all things life and self care. Created by @Sarahs_Reads. Join me for a hot cup of tea and chit chats about books, beauty, lifestyle, self-care, and many other things. Along the way get to know the voice behind @sarahs_reads along with friends through conversations and interviews. Youll never know who you're going to meet or what you might learn from my life of shenanigans.
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Language: en

Genres: Arts, Fashion & Beauty, Health & Fitness, Mental Health

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2020: Holiday Bucket List x Sawyer Products
Episode 9
Friday, 4 December, 2020

2020 Holiday Bucket List: In the kitchen, home decor, family time, outdoor adventure, volunteer. 


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