

Author: Jane Donovan and Rebecca Dettman

What happens when a relationships expert meets a spiritual coach? YOU learn how to clear your emotional blocks, break through fears, come into alignment with your true purpose and fast-track your success, love and personal power! As independently heard on FreshFM, Nova, PowerFM, Love Doctor Jane Donovan and Psychic in Stilettos Rebecca Dettman have come together for the first time as a dynamic duo with a power-packed show. Combining their thousands of hours of wisdom in two fields LOVE and LIFE PURPOSE Jane and Rebecca are here to help you achieve happiness for you heart and soul.
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Language: en

Genres: Relationships, Society & Culture

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The Great Awakening Love Wins
Episode 205
Thursday, 27 August, 2020

The Great Awakening Love Wins After a break of several years, never has there been a more important  time to have a reminder of the need to come from love and not fear.  During these chaotic times, sensitives, empaths, free thinkers and  wayseers are being extremely tested, yet now is the time to step up.  Humanity is in need and we are being called to be of service like never  before. Join Jane in this 250th episode to hear her take on what is really going on and why you were born for this time.


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