Paul Julian and Friends  

Paul Julian and Friends

Author: Paul Julian

Join me as I talk to interesting people who are doing interesting things and hear them tell their interesting story.
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Documentary, Society & Culture

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Banking With Life... And James Neathery!
Sunday, 16 February, 2025

I met James Neathery by chance after listening to an interview he did in or around 2011-12. I had already decided that the IRA/401K/457/government blessed retirement savings world was not set up with the individual's best interest in mind. Working with James and the Banking With Life team, I believe we have given my wife and I, our kids and grandkids a good chance of getting into the banking business for our own benefit rather than for the benefit of the various wealth creation gate keepers. You should definitely take advantage of the massive amount of free content from James and his team.I would love to hear what you think of this or any other episode as well as who might be good as a future guest. Send an email with your suggestion to Thanks for listening and Stay Groovy!


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