That Ayurveda Guy - Demystifying Ayurveda  

That Ayurveda Guy - Demystifying Ayurveda

Author: Puneet Aggarwal

The secrets and brilliance of *Ayurveda and its remedies laid bare by a guy whos been making the *Science of Life, more accessible and simpler to adopt through his brand Nirogam. Puneet Aggarwal is That Ayurveda Guy, who knows that Ayurveda needs to be presented in a more user friendly format, for people to appreciate and understand its potential. This series of podcasts come at an opportune time when everyone is looking for alternative therapies and holistic remedies to bolster health and wellness from the core. These talks will peel off the mystery that Ayurveda is shrouded in, to reveal exactly why it has been such a revered course of treatment and health in India from ancient times. You can learn more at or on the instagram account NirogamAyurveda.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Alternative Health, Health & Fitness, Nutrition

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Boosting Immunity the Natural Way
Episode 22
Thursday, 24 June, 2021

“Resistance towards disease” is how Ayurveda defines body immunity.  It specifically tells us that immunity is based on how you treat your body in terms of what you put inside it and how much care you take.  Immunity is something that you build over a period of time and there are a number of easy home routines that can build and bolster your immune system.  This episode in particular delves into information on what causes immunity and what exactly you can change to make sure it never lets you down.This episode will tell you:What kinds of immunity we possessSimple food lists that help boost your immune systemFoods you should avoid to prevent lowering your defensesHome remedies and things to do in your daily routineEffective asanas for immunityIf you’re looking for natural ways to wellness and health, this is the way to start.I’ll be happy to answer any questions on Ayurveda and how it can help.  Find me on Twitter@Ayurvedaguy, on  Linkedin at or email me at to chat about it. I’ve also written about lots of Ayurvedic remedies and home solutions on quora, look me up on


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