WrestleHorror: A Pro Wrestling, Horror, Halloween, Haunted House, and Paranormal Podcast  

WrestleHorror: A Pro Wrestling, Horror, Halloween, Haunted House, and Paranormal Podcast

Author: Donnie Hoover, "Meathook" Jim Millspaugh

WrestleHorror: A Pro Wrestling, Horror, Halloween, Haunted House, and Paranormal Podcast Donnie Hoover and Meathook Jim Millspaugh take their passions, and decades of experience, in the pro wrestling, horror, Halloween, haunted house and paranormal industries to bring you this fun, entertaining, and educational podcast. WrestleHorror pulls the curtain back and goes behind the scenes of pro wrestling, haunted houses, paranormal, horror films, and Halloween to get you stories from the people involved in these events. They will provide their own tips and advice, as well as, pick the brains of the professionals that make up the pro wrestling, horror, Halloween, haunted house, and paranormal Industries.
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Language: en

Genres: Arts, Performing Arts, Sports, Wrestling

Contact email: Get it

Feed URL: Get it

iTunes ID: Get it

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Wednesday, 1 January, 1000


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