The Petri Dish  

The Petri Dish

Author: The Petri Dish Network

The Petri Dish is a comedy podcast hosted by Bobby Benedict where he sits down with other idiots and dumb little germs of laughter into disgusting contagions of comedy.
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Language: en

Genres: Comedy, Society & Culture

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See Ya Later, Fart Brains
Episode 236
Tuesday, 23 January, 2024

THE PODCAST IS DEAD, LONG LIVE THE PODCAST.  That's right, the podcast as we've known and loved it since November 2016 is finally coming to a close. When I first fired up this feed as "Post-Nuclear Reno" I never thought it would become and almost 8-year-long obsession over the dumbest jokes possible that I would then try to call a "content strategy". The first 100 episodes were a labor of love for a comedy scene that I was way too active in. The next 100 episodes were a deep dive into myself and the people I surrounded myself with. I think the energy expended could be better utilized in some new creative ventures. So I will say goodbye to this beautiful podcast feed. Youtube will still have a few of these newer hybrid video episodes up, I may keep releasing long-form podcast-type videos on that same feed but right now I'm going to focus on edited things. EDIT: None of the projects I was working on worked out and I miss having a podcast.


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