Alle-Kiski Chronicle Podcast  

Alle-Kiski Chronicle Podcast

Capturing, Preserving, and Sharing the Voices and Stories of Our Time

Author: The Social Voice Project

The Alle-Kiski Chronicle Podcast explores and showcases topics that celebrate the cultural, industrial, and ethnic heritage of the Allegheny and Kiskiminetas river valleys in Southwestern Pennsylvania.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Documentary, Science, Social Sciences, Society & Culture

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Alle-Kiski Chronicle (Ep11) – Richard Williams
Sunday, 3 September, 2017

Richard Williams | The Pennsylvania Mainline Canal     On episode 11 of the podcast, history educator Richard Williams discusses the Western Division of the Pennsylvania Mainline Canal, from Pittsburgh to Johnstown. This episode was recorded August 13, 2017 at the Allegheny-Kiski Valley Historical Society and Heritage Museum, Tarentum, Pennsylvania. Host: Kevin Farkas. Guest: Richard Williams, with Jim Thomas.  Audiography: Kevin Farkas, Dave Holoweiko. Music (available on Siren (“Let You Know”), Malmo (“Shoreline Weeks”), Alexander White (“What We Saw”). ©2017 Alle-Kiski Chronicle Podcast/TSVP. All rights reserved.         OTHER WAYS TO FIND THE PODCAST jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery('#slider_3067').owlCarousel({ responsive:{ 0:{ items:1 }, 480:{ items:2 }, 768:{ items:3 }, 980:{ items:4 }, 1200:{ items:4 }, 1500:{ items:4 } }, autoplay : true, autoplayTimeout : 3000, autoplayHoverPause : true, smartSpeed : 400, fluidSpeed : 400, autoplaySpeed : 400, navSpeed : 400, dotsSpeed : 400, loop : true, nav : true, navText : ['Previous','Next'], dots : true, responsiveRefreshRate : 200, slideBy : 1, mergeFit : true, autoHeight : false, mouseDrag : true, touchDrag : true }); jQuery('#slider_3067').css('visibility', 'visible'); sa_resize_slider_3067(); window.addEventListener('resize', sa_resize_slider_3067); function sa_resize_slider_3067() { var min_height = '50'; var win_width = jQuery(window).width(); var slider_width = jQuery('#slider_3067').width(); if (win_width < 480) { var slide_width = slider_width / 1; } else if (win_width < 768) { var slide_width = slider_width / 2; } else if (win_width < 980) { var slide_width = slider_width / 3; } else if (win_width < 1200) { var slide_width = slider_width / 4; } else if (win_width < 1500) { var slide_width = slider_width / 4; } else { var slide_width = slider_width / 4; } slide_width = Math.round(slide_width); var slide_height = '0'; if (min_height == 'aspect43') { slide_height = (slide_width / 4) * 3; slide_height = Math.round(slide_height); } else if (min_height == 'aspect169') { slide_height = (slide_width / 16) * 9; slide_height = Math.round(slide_height); } else { slide_height = (slide_width / 100) * min_height; slide_height = Math.round(slide_height); } jQuery('#slider_3067 .owl-item .sa_hover_container').css('min-height', slide_height+'px'); } var owl_goto = jQuery('#slider_3067'); jQuery('.slider_3067_goto1').click(function(event){ owl_goto.trigger('to.owl.carousel', 0); }); jQuery('.slider_3067_goto2').click(function(event){ owl_goto.trigger('to.owl.carousel', 1); }); jQuery('.slider_3067_goto3').click(function(event){ owl_goto.trigger('to.owl.carousel', 2); }); jQuery('.slider_3067_goto4').click(function(event){ owl_goto.trigger('to.owl.carousel', 3); }); jQuery('.slider_3067_goto5').click(function(event){ owl_goto.trigger('to.owl.carousel', 4); }); jQuery('.slider_3067_goto6').click(function(event){ owl_goto.trigger('to.owl.carousel', 5); }); var resize_3067 = jQuery('.owl-carousel'); resize_3067.on('initialized.owl.carousel', function(e) { if (typeof(Event) === 'function') { window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize')); } else { var evt = window.document.createEvent('UIEvents'); evt.initUIEvent('resize', true, false, window, 0); window.dispatchEvent(evt); } }); }); SUPPORT LOCAL HISTORY Let’s keep local history alive for future generations!  If you like our podcast, please help us continue this great educational program--for today and tomorrow.  Show your support by making a financial donation, underwriting the podcast, or advertising your business or service on the show.   jQuery(document).ready(function() {


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