Aaron's Way  

Aaron's Way

Aarons Way is a Podcast setup by a normal guy called Aaron It is basically a chat show like a radio show with no music; it contains all sorts of things But mostly Aaron Ranting and Raving about this and that. Youll find Movie Reviews, Musical Reviews (maybe here and there) and all kinds of things relating to everyday life. Give it a listen, if you dont like it at least let Aaron know on Twitter, Facebook or via email If you notice anything funny or want to get a mention on air let Aaron know Aaron loves to hear from listeners, if youre listening then let Aaron know, below youll find the links to Facebook, Google, Twitter and YouTube. Enjoy the Show Aaron :-)
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Genres: Comedy, Personal Journals, Society & Culture

Contact email: Get it

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Episode 0006: 50 Shades of Grey… Recorded on 08/07/12 You...
Monday, 9 July, 2012

Episode 0006: 50 Shades of Grey… Recorded on 08/07/12 You can download the mp3 audio (32:33, 29.9 MB) or subscribe to the podcast.


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