Token Skeptic Podcast  

Token Skeptic Podcast

Author: Kylie Sturgess

Why do we believe weird things? What does feminine intuition really mean? How do you become an effective activist for science and reason? Are you ready for a monthly show that poses these questions and more? Tune into the Token Skeptic for a slightly more skeptical look at stories in the news, urban legends, good science, pseudoscience, and what makes popular culture pop.
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Genres: Science, Society & Culture

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Token Skeptic 235 - On Zealot: A Book About Cults
Episode 235
Sunday, 24 March, 2019

Why would anyone join a cult? Maybe they're unhappy with their current religion, or they want to change the world, or they're disappointed with their lives and want to find something bigger or holier that makes sense of this confusing, chaotic and dangerous world. Or maybe they just want to give themselves the best possible chance of having sex with aliens? Either way, this is the topic of a fascinating new book by author Jo Thornley, who also has a popular podcast called . We started this Token Skeptic interview by chatting about how Zealot came to be. ************** This show and website wouldn't exist if not for the help of patreons at . Thanks to them for sticking around, supporting the podcast and helping it continue! If you'd like to join them, head to and check out the rewards available - including the rewards of behind the scenes bonus content and the knowledge that you're helping keep Token Skeptic going. Theme songs for Token Skeptic podcast are “Leap Second” by Milton Mermikides, of Additional ambient music from Jukedeck – you can create your own at . As always, send in your to your chosen download platform - you can get this show on Spotify, iTunes, iHeartRadio, RadioPublic and even at Send in feedback to tokenskeptic at gmail - and remember if you'd like to hear more!


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