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Unpacking the Power of Power PackAuthor: Jeff and Rick Present
We journey through each issue of the most underrated Marvel series of the 80’s while drinking beer. Please join us in rediscovering the joy of the Power Pack comic. Language: en Genres: Arts, Books, Comedy Fiction, Fiction Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Episode 179 Astonishing X-Men V3 #59: Untitled
Episode 189
Sunday, 9 February, 2025
We have been invaded!!!! Hide your maple syrup and your top shelf hockey players! The boys from Why Not?! Read Alpha Flight with Chris and Tom, have invaded our studios and are imposing their Alpha Flightian ways upon us. Protect the children from their wicked ways. Chris and Tom followed us back to the Pacific Northwest after we invaded their show. We tried to scare them away with our "no foul language" or "dirty jokes" and "PG attitude", but they showed up anyway with a bucket full of censor tape and beep sound clips. This is what we get for using cheap Canadian locks on our club house door. Now you may be asking if drinking was involved in the making of this episode. If you are asking that question, you have not been paying attention to our show. Of course drinking was involved. Do you think we would get tangled up with people who talk about Alpha Flight without alcohol? Focusing back on the positive, we were able to eventually find common ground to agree on. We focused on our inner well-being and looked beyond the us versus them issues and remembered the important things in life....like there was no Sasquatch in this issue. And that is something we can all be happy about. Sometimes the best laid plans end up being a nightmare. Sometimes they end up being a disaster. Sometimes they end up being like our talk with Chris and Tom. I am not sure what I mean by that, but neither does anyone else. At the end of the night, two bearded boys flew off to their secret layer to discuss future comic books. The other two bearded dudes did something similar. I am not sure what differences were resolved, but a promise to fight another day was made. Oh...and lawyers will be involved in the future. In all seriousness, check out Why Not?! Read Alpha Flight with Chris and Tom. They are two amazing fellows who have a lot of fun talking about everyone's favorite Marvel Canadian team. And check out the art from this issue at: https://jeffandrickpresent.wordpress.com/2025/02/02/astonishing-x-men-v3-59/ We also have some merchandise over at Redbubble. We have a couple of nifty shirts for sale. https://www.redbubble.com/people/jeffrickpresent/?asc=u You can also subscribe and listen to us on YouTube! Our show supports the Hero Initiative, Helping Comic Creators in Need. http://www.heroinitiative.org/ Eighties Action by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3703-eighties-action License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Neon Fury