Hogsmen Podcast  

Hogsmen Podcast

Author: Mike Camden

The American Kaiju Devin Sparks & El Numero Uno Mike Camden aka The Hogsmen talking about pro wrestling and whatever else happens to be going on at the time.
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Language: en

Genres: Sports, Wrestling

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Thursday, 8 July, 2021

In the final episode of the Hogsmen Podcast El Numero Uno is closing things out running solo as NPA has some shit going on. -Mikes Review of the Tomorrow War(Potential Spoilers) -Mike talks about turning 39 and the difference in turning 40 now and a while back -Talks about the show he was on July 5th  -Mike talks about the last year and a half of the podcast and all the things that happened, including going back to episode 1 for using his phone to record -Mike Thanks everyone who was a part of the show (Guests, producers, listeners Etc.) -Mike previews some upcoming shows Thank you to everyone who listened.  ....ADIOS


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