The Bruh, What? PodcastAuthor: Ishmael M McKinney
Scarab Creative Presents the Bruh, What? Podcast. Each Friday, Ish @im_theish , Wallstreet KB @wallstreetkb and Renard @2kbarton , will review each episode as well as discuss some topics brought up each episode from our perspective. Watch Tyler Perry's Bruh on the BET App every Thursday, Season Premier Episodes 1-3 have been released! *WE ARE NOT AFFILIATED WITH BET NOR TYLER PERRY STUDIOS* Language: en Genres: TV & Film, TV Reviews Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Episode 11 and 12 Review
Wednesday, 29 July, 2020
Scarab Creative Presents the Bruh, What? Podcast Ish @im_theish , Wallstreet KB @wallstreetkb are without Renard @2kbarton this week back to discuss episode 11&12. Mike is fighting for Pamela, The Bruhs get back together for the first time in a while. A person from the past returns, Valerie is after Tom and what's next for Regina and Bill?! The Bruh, What Podcast drops every Friday! Watch Tyler Perry's Bruh on the BET+ App every Thursday! *WE ARE NOT AFFILIATED WITH BET NOR TYLER PERRY STUDIOS*