Journey to Wonder  

Journey to Wonder

Author: Chris and Joe

Join sci fi and fantasy nerds Chris and Joe as they journey through the worlds of genre fiction both new and old.
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Language: en

Genres: Arts, Books, Fiction, Science Fiction

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Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
Episode 16
Monday, 30 October, 2023

In this episode of Journey to Wonder, we harken back all the way to 1870 with the classic submarine adventure, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (or Seas depending on where you look) by Jules Verne. As always, we discuss our experience with the english translation of the novel and whether or not this 150 plus year old story holds up.  We then dig into the 1954 Disney movie of the same name, how it is simillar, how it is different and whether we like it! Next time, we're dipping back into the world of Star Trek with A Stitch in Time writeen and read by our faviourtie Cardassian tailor, Andrew J. Robinson. This book was originally released back in the year 2000, however the audiobook released recently, in August of 2023.  If you'd like to provide any feedback, positive or negative, drop us a note on our Facebook page or email us at!


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