Trek Wars  

Trek Wars

A Star Trek vs. Star Wars Podcast

Author: Trek Wars Podcast

Which is better: Star Trek vs. Star Wars?That's the question hosts Aspen Webster and Kenny madison ask each week. To solve it, we pit an episode of Star Trek versus an Episode of Star Wars. We also talk sociology, philosophy, gender dynamics, and get very, very political each week. Will we ever answer the question?
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Language: en

Genres: Film Reviews, TV & Film, TV Reviews

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All Our Yesterdays v. Holocron Heist
Episode 99
Friday, 20 December, 2024

ZARABETH, GIRL OF THE ICE AGE!Anyways, we start S2 of The Clone Wars. And Spock gets horny.Aspen talks about the chronology of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Kenny gets sad he knows about Ahsoka's arc. We also get into the weeds about the "sweaty" worldbuilding of All Our Yesterdays. I mean, it is sweaty.__________________________________Get early, extended episodes on our Patreon at us! by Tosin AwofesoSocial Media: to ask us questions? Email us at leave us a review!


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