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Doctor Who: Toby Hadokes Time TravelsAuthor: Toby Hadoke
Four different Doctor Who Podcasts from award winning comedian Toby Hadoke, whose Edinburgh show Moths Ate My Doctor Who Scarf became a West End hit, toured the world, and became a Sony nominated BBC Radio series. The podcasts are: Season One : Happy Times and Places - episode commentaries (a video version is also available on You Tube). Released twice weekly. Season 2 : Too Much Information - an episode-by-episode examination of the making of the series. Released once a month. Season 3 : Indefinable Magic - whimsical essays inspired by the show. Released at least once a month. BONUS Season 4 : (Far) Too Much Information - a spin-off from Too Much Information containing all the stuff deemed too geeky for the above... (initially available to Patrons only but there is an example on here). Please see www.patreon.com/tobyhadoke for early and bonus releases Please join the mailing list at www.tobyhadoke.com Please subscribe to Toby Hadokes You Tube channel. Language: en Genres: Arts, Performing Arts, TV & Film, TV Reviews Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it Trailer: |
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Happy Times and Places 89.1 - The Unquiet Dead
Episode 364
Thursday, 6 March, 2025
Back in the Days of RTD1 as it shall now be known this was, incredibly, just the third episode to be aired of this amazing new series that might have only lasted one season - that's what many of us feared anyway. It seems amazing to think of now. It was all fantastic then but the passage of time can make us more circumspect so does this Christmas Carol (from April) stand the test of the time ... and the scrutiny of our guest, comedian Jack Evans? Let take a look at the past from the present (whilst we worry about the future??) .. #doctorwho #doctorwhoreaction #doctorwhocommentary #doctorwhocomedian #tobyhadoke #doctorwhofacts #positivedoctorwho #russelltdavies #markgatiss Please support these podcasts on Patreon, where you will get advance releases, exclusive content (including a patron-only podcast - Far Too Much Information), regular AMAs and more. Tiers start from as little as £3 per month: patreon.com/tobyhadoke Or there is Ko-fi for the occasional donation with no commitments: ko-fi.com/tobyhadoke Follow Toby on Twitter: @tobyhadoke And these podcasts: @HadokePodcasts And his comedy club: @xsmalarkey www.tobyhadoke.com for news, blog, mailing list and more.