The Fringe of It  

The Fringe of It

A weekly podcast from Liv Purvis and Charlotte Jacklin.

Author: Liv Purvis & Charlotte Jacklin

Pals Liv Purvis and Charlotte Jacklin, a self-professed pair of out-of-touch early grandmas, navigate their way through the wins and the wobbles of millennial life.But where might you know Liv and Charlotte from, I hear you ask? Well, Liv is the creator of the fashion/lifestyle/travel blog What Olivia Did, and Charlotte is a fashion and lifestyle blogger who founded Betty Magazine. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Language: en

Genres: Society & Culture, TV & Film, TV Reviews

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#72 The Joy of Awe, Comparison and 2am Crosswords with Gemma Styles
Wednesday, 11 September, 2024

We told you we wouldn't be gone for long, didn't we! This week is a *very* special bonus episode with none other than podcaster, activist, mental health ambassador and writer Gemma Styles. With today being publication day of her debut book, Why Am I Like This? We pulled Gemma into our virtual living room and made sure we covered everything from coping with comparison and the spotlight effect, managing authenticity online, setting boundaries and why being a human is actually pretty hard (and joyful, and weird and wonderful- naturally, but CRIKEY it's tricky sometimes). In a turn of events, we also enter what can only be described as our Stressful TV Era, Charlotte is caught off guard by the funeral in Four Weddings (...and a Funeral) and we discuss the best frozen sweet pastry out there (nope, t's not a croissant) and being new to Gru (we'll let you decide if that's cool or not)! If you’d like to make some unstressful TV suggestions (all about balance)- you can email us at We’re also over @thefingeofit and @charlottejacklin and @livpurvis and will see you very soon!Gemma's brilliant book is available from today, and you can pick it up here!, this is brilliant Lucy we mentioned! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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