Canada's Musical Mosaic  

Canada's Musical Mosaic

Author: Rea Beaumont

Join host Dr. Rea Beaumont to learn more about Canada's musical heritage and the musicians who have helped Canada become one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world.
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Language: en

Genres: Arts, Performing Arts, Society & Culture

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Barenaked Ladies: Jim Creeggan in Conversation with Rea Beaumont
Episode 7
Wednesday, 30 June, 2021

In this interview with host Rea Beaumont, bassist Jim Creeggan from BNL discusses musical influences, upcoming album Detour de Force, the importance of music education, and how being Canadian influenced this award-winning rock band's music and outlook. @barenakedladies @reabeaumont  #BNL2021 #DetourdeForce   #BruceCockburn @rushtheband #PaulChambers


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