The NXT Wrestling Fan  

The NXT Wrestling Fan

Author: Miles Schneiderman

A podcast of fights and feels. A biweekly NXT review show for would-be wrestling fans who don't know where to start, and current wrestling fans who want to relive the magic of that first time. This podcast is unofficial and not associated or affiliated with World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. ("WWE") in any way.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Arts, Performing Arts, Sports, Wrestling

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Bonus Episode 9 - Captain Carrot and his Amazing Zoo Crew
Wednesday, 16 August, 2023

Over the first five episodes of Kris' tenure on The NXT Wrestling Fan, MeganBob whiffed every attempt to predict the next big thing in the story of NXT. For reasons that we assure you are reasons, that has resulted in nearly two hours of Bob and Kris talking about Captain Carrot and his Amazing Zoo Crew!, an obscure yet beloved funny animal superhero comic published by DC in the early 1980's. Rather than boring you with the origin story of this bonus episode, we'll just tell you that many DC Comjcs tropes are explained, many animal puns are uttered, many low-key quacks are quacked, and the word "sexecutioner" unexpectedly comes up. What are you waiting for? Let this strange episode into your ears so it can punch you directly in the brain! NewsSting by Kevin MacLeod Link: License: Eyes Gone Wrong by Kevin MacLeod Link: License: Samba Stings by Kevin MacLeod Link: License: Teddy Bear Waltz by Kevin MacLeod License code: JR8YJN7X9BTCYONZ Rich and Famous by Soundroll License code: D9U995DOPPSIVVYE Green Fingers by Richard Rodgers License code: ZLHSCJFJWJI8IQGL 60's Quiz Show by Podington Bear is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.


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