The Pod-Men  

The Pod-Men

Author: The Pod-Men

Brad, Brian, PMR and Absolute Alex are...The Pod-Men! Join them as they talk about all the latest nerd news and geek reviews...and find out what they are lookin at!
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Language: en

Genres: Film Reviews, TV & Film, TV Reviews

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Ep200: We Finally Made It After All
Episode 200
Saturday, 30 December, 2023

After a slow start to the year, The Pod-Men finally make it to Episode 200! Sit back with you Jim Beam Honey and enjoy The Pod-Men as they echo throughout the cave, ranting about the usual nerdstuff and lament the passing of beloved celebrities (not you, Ryan O'Neal). Brian reviews Aquaman 2 and feels like someone peed in his face. Brad gets ahold of some synthetic kryptonite and suddenly turns on other Pod-Men. Alex blesses us to talk about beautiful cinematography and how The Bear has changed his life. PRM considers finally investing in some decent audio equipment and speaking of which, there are some recording issues in the last 20mins of the episode, so just bare with us.  We're hoping the next 200 episodes will be completely flawless!  


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