Sherlock Holmes - Hobbs & Shelley (UK)  

Sherlock Holmes - Hobbs & Shelley (UK)

Hobbs and Shelley were The Holmes and Watson of the BBC from 1952 to 1969. Many think they are still the definitive portrayals of the characters on the radio. The Hobbs' Holmes is logical and incisive, but does retain a sense of humor and an obvious...

Author: Entertainment Radio

Hobbs and Shelley were The Holmes and Watson of the BBC from 1952 to 1969. Many think they are still the definitive portrayals of the characters on the radio. The Hobbs' Holmes is logical and incisive, but does retain a sense of humor and an obvious affection for his chronicler.
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Language: en

Genres: Drama, Fiction, Society & Culture

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Sherlock Holmes 1963-03-02 The Sign Of The Four Pt3
Tuesday, 24 December, 2019

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