Broken Mysteries  

Broken Mysteries


Author: Broken Mysteries

Broken Mysteries is a podcast where we share stories of the mystery, conspiracy, and esoteric type. Our episodes range from stories we've researched to personal experiences told by our guests. Listen in for thrilling stories and visit to become a part of the show.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Fiction, Science Fiction, Society & Culture

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Personal Experience – The Jacket
Episode 17
Friday, 11 December, 2020

Do you believe in haunted houses? Not in the Halloween version of a haunted house, but spirits occupying the home and interacting with those who may live in it. Our very own Austin Kipp joins us on this episode and shares a THRILLING personal experience he had when he was growing up. Throughout the episode, we hear different accounts of similar experiences and admonitions of possible spirits in another realm. The post Personal Experience – The Jacket first appeared on Broken Mysteries.


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