Paperweight Radio  

Paperweight Radio

Explorations In Visual And Material Culture

Author: Juliette Kristensen

Paperweight Radio: Explorations in Visual and Material Culture draws together artists, designers, academics, curators, writers and researchers around a theme, to explore the territory of visual and material culture from different vantage points. In these explorations, Paperweight offers reports from the front-line of research into visual and material culture, running into the heat of battle and reporting back with dispatches.
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Language: en

Genres: Arts, Design, Society & Culture

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Paperweight Radio: Plastic (S2 Ep6, 24th July 2014)
Monday, 15 September, 2014

On this episode of Paperweight Radio we discuss plastic. Featured are material scientist Paul Tangney on the history and material properties of plastic; the sociologists Dominik Bartmanski and Ian Woodward on the rise of vinyl in the digital age; art historian Matt Lodder on plastic surgery in fine art practice; communications scholar Emily Yochim on young men and skateboard culture; and archaeologist Sara Perry on the plasticity of media in the curator-audience relationship.


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