Life in Lockdown (UK)  

Life in Lockdown (UK)

Author: jasmineallen

Life in Lockdown explores how life in lockdown, triggered by a global pandemic, has affected the lives of individuals within one social network in the UK. In each episode I (Jasmine Allen) chat with a friend, colleague, neighbour, family member or acquaintance to find out about their life in lockdown. We explore how lockdown has affected the ordinary lives of my friends and family at home, at work and at school.
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Language: en

Genres: History, Society & Culture

Contact email: Get it

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Life in Lockdown - Ep 8 - Ayla
Episode 8
Friday, 29 May, 2020

In Episode 8, recorded during Eastertide, I find out from Ayla what lockdown life is like for an Anglican Priest serving as a Curate in a London parish church. We discuss the effect of UK-wide church closures on worship and pastoral care, how spiritual communion is being facilitated in the absence of physical gatherings and how online church has made church more accessible. Recorded 1 May 2020


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