Screentime with Gary Tanguay and Drew Yanno  

Screentime with Gary Tanguay and Drew Yanno

Author: Gary Tanguay and Drew Yanno

Movies, Streaming and Everything In-between Once a week Drew Yanno & Gary Tanguay get together for coffee & talk movies, TV, streaming Both loved The Offer. Only one liked Shameless & both think Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid is one of the greatest films ever made. As far as scripts go, Drew points to Jerry Maquire written by Cameron Crowe as a masterpiece. While Tanguay cannot disagree, he feels the writing on Succession is unparalleled. If youre looking for something to binge or get lost in for a couple hours go deep in side the film with Screen Time 1st. THE HOSTS: GARY TANGUAY & DREW YANNO- While covering the Boston sports scene, including numerous championships, Tanguay always found time for his other passion - movies & story telling! He has appeared in 14 films & tv series & written 8 screenplays & a novel, The Arm and the Fall. On Screen Time he joins his friend, co-writer & mentor, screenwriter Drew Yanno, to talk about the great shit they are watching!
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Language: en-us

Genres: Film Reviews, TV & Film, TV Reviews

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Episode 25
Tuesday, 23 May, 2023

On this episode of Screentime with Gary Tanguay and Drew Yanno, Gary and Drew discuss "Air", a film about Michael Jordan creating a partnership that revolutionizes the world of sports and contemporary culture. Directed by Ben Affleck and starring Matt Damon Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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