A Few Minutes of History  

A Few Minutes of History

Author: Jake Corfield

A history themed podcast featuring episodes with Historians , Veterans and more. I am also have a YouTube Channel that has a variety of separate content - me at - afewminutespod@outlook.comTwitter - @afewminshistory If youd like me to chat about anything, just drop me a message on these platforms.
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Language: en-gb

Genres: Documentary, History, Society & Culture

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The Origins of The Jeep - With Paul Bruno
Episode 60
Wednesday, 26 February, 2025

I was joined today by the brilliant Paul Bruno. Paul has spent the last 20 years gathering information about Second World War Jeeps. The Jeep is arguably one of the most famous, and most important vehicles of the war. And don't just take my word for it, General Eisenhower called the Jeep one of the 3 vehicles that won the war!Owning a 1944 Ford GPW, i could not pass up the chance to chat to Paul. We discussed in detail, how Bantam built a working prototype in 49 days, and how from that vehicle over 600,000 Jeeps where produced during the war. For more information on the Jeep, linked is Pauls fantastic book - Website is here - us a text


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