The Thought Bubble Podcast  

The Thought Bubble Podcast

New comics enthusiast Joanna Robinson of Vanity Fairs Hollywood and The Station Agents podcast is joined by a guy who still defends Spider-Man's 90's Clone Saga, Da7e Gonzales of and, to answer YOUR comic book questions.

Author: Joanna Robinson and Dave Gonzales

Dave Marvelous Da7e Gonzales and Joanna Cast of Kings Robinson answer listener questions about comic book pop culture from continuity history to modern film and television properties.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Film Reviews, TV & Film, TV Reviews

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Thought Bubble 42 – Storm Of Spoilers Crossover!
Wednesday, 7 September, 2016

A podcast about Comics Pop Culture! Hello FITWR listeners, Republic City Dispatch fanatics and Storm of Spoilers/Cast of Kings fantasy nerds, we're back for more comics discussion! New comics enthusiast Joanna Robinson of Vanity Fair's Hollywood and The Station Agents podcast is joined by  Da7e Gonzales of No matter your level of engagement, if you're […]


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