Bee There. Do That.  

Bee There. Do That.

Author: Yolanda Busbee Methvin

A cultural food, travel and lifestyle podcast sharing everyday conversations about Food, Culture and Social Impact in Africa - MADE IN SOUTH AFRICA. Come catch a buzz with me; You'll leave with the munchies.....Promise!! I'm Yolanda Busbee!
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Language: en-za

Genres: Arts, Food, Places & Travel, Society & Culture

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Bees at the Ancestral Table
Episode 6
Thursday, 10 December, 2020

Finally!!South Africa’s dropped to its lowest lockdown level during the global Covid pandemic. Everything and everyone’s in bloom…  Amazing to consider what we’ve weathered during the Winter months while in hibernation.  What’s been taken away from us, has sprouted again, like the trees, flowers, seeds and bees, we’re baaaaack!  That’s one perspective at least.  And there are many many more…. In this, our 2nd season finale - this episode of "Bee There Do That", offers you a bit of  insight, optimism and regeneration from the land, hearts, minds and aether thanks to the honeybee.  And as you’d know, in our African indigenous traditions, many of those bees represent our ancestral connections, to people and place.  You're listening  to Bee there Do That….  - The Ancestral Table episode. Featuring, Brent Samuels of  Beewise Honey Producers and Honey Lab SA,  Annet Birungi of Budongo Women Bee Enterprises and Aliya Al Haeri Ferguson of Aliya's Vibrant Life.    Moving from Ancestral land dispossession in Cape Town, through Budongo Forest in Masindi, Uganda and into the heart of Islamic mysticism and persian food tradition, through the lens of Sufisim, we welcome the honeybee as a revered Ancestor on the African Continent!Come. Catch a buzz with me!  I'm your host, Yolanda Busbee Methvin. And this is “Bee There. Do That.” The podcast featuring everyday stories about food, ancestry, race and social impact, in Africa. Made in South Africa!! You can find us on this and other podfeeds: Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Itunes.   And as always, our soundtrack can be found on Spotify @BeetheredothatThanks so much for listening.  We love hearing from you; your emails, comments on our socials and especially your support to make this podcast happen via our paypal.  Please keep sharing, downloading and subscribing.  Your support is felt and really appreciated!!Yolanda Busbee the show


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