

Author: UnNeutered

Barbershop talk that is based on critical thinking with unbiased fact based discussions for the betterment for the people.
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Dr Geno Bradley gives the UnNeutered info on Taxes and Insurance
Episode 2
Monday, 30 October, 2017

UnNeutered is the place where you come to get the raw and uncut critical thinking unbaised truth.  That is based on facts over beliefs.  You are in for a real gem in this episode.  We have the distinct pleasure to interview with a Marine veteran, scholar, entrepreneur, mentor, husband, father, and my personal friend Dr Geno Bradley.  This episode is a interview with the very well respected Dr Bradley out of Atlanta GA enlightening you with the insurance and taxes that we need or don't need.  Come get gamed up to maximize your returns or minimze your taxes.  Enjoy being entertained, educated, and share with the positive vibes here on UnNeutered.  You might just learn something.


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