F.A.I.L. FUTURE ACHIEVERS IN LIFEAuthor: Brandon Cannella
Nutritional Motivation based on Mainly Eastern Medicine Alternative Medicine I am a survivor of a very common incurable autoimmune disease - Almost at . I DESIRE to share this.. everybody. So, nobody else has to suffer with this disease. or any underlying issue. - I believe in the ROOT cause of the issue not only the immediate symptoms. - In process of getting my CERTIFICATION IN NUTRITION. I do this as a labor of love -Dr. Michael Gregor M.D. Dr. Gregor is my absolute favorite Doctor off plant based Doctor My upcoming book will explain it all.. Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/brandon-c90/support Language: en Genres: Health & Fitness, Nutrition Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Wednesday, 1 January, 1000