The Weird Works! Podcast  

The Weird Works! Podcast

Author: Health by Design Florida

Welcome to The Weird Works! Podcast. This podcast was designed to create a space where conversations about alternative healthcare topics can occur in an open platform without judgment. We will bring the facts that support sometimes controversial subjects in an attempt to break down barriers towards accessing true healthcare. All too often, alternative care is sought after as a last resort rather than a first step. This podcast will provide the evidence that you need in order to make informed decisions about your health, to empower you with the facts that you need to take your health into your own hands, and to encourage you that There is Hope, Your Body Heals! Join us to hear from experts of all things weird as well as the testimonies of people with stories of radical healing who were once told that their condition was a death sentence, that they would just need to live with it, or that drugs and surgery were the only answer.
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Language: en

Genres: Alternative Health, Health & Fitness, Nutrition

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Episode 61: Metabolism Reset, Why Diets Don't Work
Episode 61
Thursday, 2 January, 2025

Every reboud dieter can attest that diets simply don't least not for sustainable results. Sure, you might lose some initial pounds from water weight and inflammation, but very few diets help you to actually burn fat and reset your metabolism. Worse yet, many diets actually cause the opposite effect, resulting in an even more sluggish metabolism and more difficulty keeping the inches off! In this episode, Dr. Kristy shares some simple facts on how you can reset your metabolism for good! Learn how to detoxify, burn fat and gain or maintain lean body mass for ultimate metabolism performance. You will be introduced to the system that Dr. Kristy has used in practice with her patients to jumpstart their goals for the past 15 years with tried and true success!   Links shared during the podcast: Purification Product Kit: https://healthbydesign.standardproces... Peptides FIT and LEAN: User Referral Code: E7F80DA37A


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