Share Your Health Wealth  

Share Your Health Wealth

Author: Michelle

a podcast where everyday people share stories about their own journey and discovery of what health means to them. I provide a comfortable space for you to share your highs, lows and everything in between along with lessons learned about what physical, psychological and spiritual Health is to you. I believe that when you share a story you evoke healing and new understanding for yourself and when you hear and relate to someone elses story you no longer feel alone but instead you join a community. Welcome to the community. 
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Language: en-us

Genres: Alternative Health, Health & Fitness, Nutrition

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Episode 14
Friday, 24 May, 2024

It's been a while but I'm back with a great episode of Share Your Health Wealth in the format that I just love to do, an interview of someone willing to share their health story to help others!  Yay! Today I welcome Samm to the podcast as we talk about something near and dear to both of our hearts...using our voice to help others, to create a community and to advance the power of self advocacy.  Samm presents her own story of multiple health issues starting in early childhood with grace, love and sharing of her path to use her experiences to help others to no longer feel alone.  Instagrams: the showfollow me on Instagram at iterviahealthWork with me to improve your health IterVia HealthSign up for my newsletter:About — IterVia HealthCheck in to learn about Master Classes and Mini-Couse offeringsMaster Class Offerings — IterVia HealthThe information discussed in this podcast is the expressed experience of each guest as well as the expressed experience of the host, Michelle Duprey, No information discussed on this podcast is intended to be medical advice. Please see your doctor for specific medical concerns or conditions.


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