Keep GLOWing  

Keep GLOWing

Author: Larisa Petrini

Keep GLOWing is a manifesto and a call to action for every GLOWrious woman out there, striving to stay vital and healthy no matter her age. This podcast is my way of encouraging you to live as if you are the main character of your life. In our 40s we reach a major life turning point where we are forced to recognize that we dont have all the time in the world. I can help you with that.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Alternative Health, Health & Fitness, Nutrition

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Episode 2: Edita Atteck On The Inner Secrets That Make You Powerful
Episode 2
Wednesday, 15 July, 2020

Edita Atteck is an expert on how to optimize your mindset, rewire your brain's programming, and develop an identity that supports the new you. With emotions all over the place these past few months, her words of wisdom are worth a lot.What you'll discover in this episode: How to navigate the chaos around usWhat Introspection Really MeansThe Different Types Of Emotions You Can FeelThe Moment You Begin To Think And Why It MattersThe Unrealistic Expectations Society Programs Into UsHow We Can Change Our PatternsUnderstanding The Language Of Your BodyDealing With Stress Eating And Other Coping MechanismsHow To Keep Glowing Like Edita


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