Nutrition From An EqualAuthor: Sanika Joshi
Stay tuned as your host Sanika Joshi explores relevant topics in nutrition and health to help you gain more insight into our nations need for for a more sustainable food system, and the importance of ending our lack of nutritional literacy! Check out the website and the instagram @nutritionfromanequalpodcast. Language: en Genres: Health & Fitness, Nutrition Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it Trailer: |
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Episode 3: How Food Heals
Thursday, 14 January, 2021
Emmie Cohen, author of the upcoming book "How Food Heals" speaks about her journey understanding how nutrition can be the root of physical, mental, and health challenges. She had been struggling with moderate to severe acne for 7 years before she decided to delve into truly researching how food can be medicine. Check out her book journey @HowFoodHealsBook on instagram!