The Swim Tribe PodcastAuthor: Caroline Saxon
Stories from Caroline Saxon's Swimming Tribe. Adventures of swimmers starting out, dipping their toes, to seasoned swimmers ticking off bucket list swims. Language: en Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Swimming is a balm; it is freedom from pain - Part 2 with Jonty
Episode 2
Monday, 29 November, 2021
This is part 2 of my chat with Jonty Warneken. This part we get a bit more serious and talk about slightly deeper topics. We chat about how our experiences were similar, but very different, as young people and how these events have shaped our futures. We chat about losing a limb, losing identities and losing a whole person in weight. Jonty is a great friend of mine and we chat quite openly about some of the things we have been though. There maybe some accidental small swears. Apologies. **Please note this podcast was recorded in Feb 2020. The world has changed!** @fatgrev - Jonty's Instagram @theswimtribepodcast - Caroline's Instagram Part 2 to follow! Jonty, thank you for being part of my swim tribe.