Breakthrough Radio Jacksonville  

Breakthrough Radio Jacksonville

Author: Dr Randy Haas DC

Breakthrough radio is a podcast powered by Breakthrough Healthcare in Jacksonville FL, presented by Broadcast Wellness Productions. Hosted by 25-year and counting advocate of the Chiropractic and wellness professions.
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Language: en

Genres: Health & Fitness, Nutrition

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Children Without a Voice to Express Pain Become Us
Friday, 19 March, 2021

Did you ever stop to think that children have no way to express discomforts? And did you also know that after a while, they just conclude these things are a normal part of life?Know what they end up becoming?... US! We are the adult version of our children selves who couldn't express ourselves either at a very young age and have accumulated lots of things that became our new normal. And we've definitely forgotten the potential the human body has.Tune in now and find out just how good, fit and well it can be! It's way more than you think!


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