Weight What?  

Weight What?

Author: Leah Yax, Kamna Jain

A raw and very vulnerable conversation about the struggles on the weight-loss journey. Join Leah, a weight-loss coach and Kamna, a health coach, as they talk about very real and sometimes embarrassing moments. They open up so you can see that you are not alone in these struggles and the search for solutions.
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Language: en

Genres: Health & Fitness, Nutrition

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126. How Do You Take Care of Yourself When You Are The Caregiver?
Episode 122
Monday, 16 December, 2024

Sometimes you are thrust into the role of a caregiver. This is such an important role when you are responsible for the welfare of someone else. But how do you take care of yourself so you don't get burnt out and you can still take care of your loved ones. We speak to Nancy White, host of the Healthy Cells Chick Show on Win-Win Women TV. She has also written several books and is currently living the life of a caregiver. You can find her at Healthy Cells Chick on facebook and Instagram.


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