The Tummy Whisperer  

The Tummy Whisperer

Author: Renee Barasch

 Welcome to the Tummy Whisperer Podcast. I'm your host, Renee Barasch, a certified digestive health specialist. In this podcast, I'll be discussing how to rehabilitate your tummy so you can sleep better, turn off cravings, increase energy, and feel great. I'm here to provide real answers and practical solutions for those dealing with typical digestive discomforts to more severe issues such as chronic gas, painful bloating, constipation, diarrhea, acid reflux, and ridiculous heartburn. Additionally, I'll explore the connections between seemingly unrelated issues such as allergies, fatigue, and skin conditions through various diagnostic tools and testing. I'll help identify nutritional deficiencies in the digestive tract and develop a plan that is sustainable and effective so you can have better digestion, absorption, and detoxification for optimal health and well-being.Join me each week on the Tummy Whisperer Podcast as we take a deep dive into digestive wellness, a place of understanding, knowledge, and empowerment for finding lasting balance for a lifetime of better health. Follow us now on Apple or Spotify or wherever you stream your favorite shows. I look so forward to talking with you soon!
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Language: en-us

Genres: Alternative Health, Health & Fitness, Nutrition

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Ep. 15 - Embracing Holistic Healing: Quantum Neuro Reset Therapy and the Synergy of Mind-Body Wellness
Wednesday, 6 March, 2024

Embark on a transformative health journey with me, Renee Barasch, and my esteemed guest Dr. Cari Jacobson, as we unravel the intricate tapestry of holistic wellness. Prepare to discover the profound interplay between emotional well-being and physical health, and how our bodies whisper – or sometimes shout – for balance through symptoms. This episode is a treasure trove of insights, exploring the wonders of Quantum Neuro Reset Therapy (Q&RT) and its capacity to reshape our emotional and physical landscapes, with a special focus on the powerful influence of the hypothalamus.Have you ever considered that your body's aches and ailments might be cries for help, signaling deeper imbalances? Dr. Cari and I dive into the holistic philosophy that looks beyond the surface, seeking to heal the root causes of health issues. From the remarkable benefits of supplements when used wisely, to the transformative potential of Q&RT, we cover the spectrum of proactive health practices. And if the thought of muscle testing seems daunting, our discussion will reveal its empowering aspects, demystifying the process and underscoring the value of tuning into your body's unique messages.Concluding our wellness odyssey, we paint the picture of an idyllic health and wellness retreat, merging the best of homeopathic remedies, cutting-edge therapies, and the serene environment of a Caribbean getaway. Picture yourself basking in the healing powers of light therapy or learning about the health-boosting properties of quality olive oil. Join us as we contemplate the creation of this pinnacle of holistic care, designed to rejuvenate and revitalize the mind, body, and spirit. Whether you're seeking support from Dr. Cari's team or my virtual services, we are here to guide you toward a life of vibrant health.Get to the root cause of your Gut Issues!  Watch the Gut Restoration Masterclass at a FREE Gut Health consultation, visit us at Renee:Email:


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