BL Bio Lab Podcast  

BL Bio Lab Podcast

Author: BL Bio Lab

Supplement-sized servings of nutrition news, trending dietary supplements/skincare product updates, and emerging industry statistics all from the perspective of FDA-registered supplement manufacturer BL Bio Lab. The BL Bio Lab Podcast is available on Google Podcasts, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and more!
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Language: en

Genres: Health & Fitness, Nutrition

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Does Beta-Alanine Make You Itch?
Friday, 11 March, 2022

Another common side effect of beta-alanine supplementation is itchiness. In fact, one study showed that nearly half of all participants who took beta-alanine supplements experienced itchiness. The cause of this itchiness isn’t entirely clear, but it’s thought to be related to the way beta-alanine affects pH levels in the skin. When beta-alanine is absorbed into the bloodstream, it can cause a temporary drop in pH levels. This acidic environment can irritate the skin, leading to that familiar itching sensation. Visit to learn more about beta-alanine or supplement manufacturing! 


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