Your Diabetes Insider Podcast  

Your Diabetes Insider Podcast

Author: Ben Tzeel

Welcome to the Your Diabetes Insider Podcast, where we take all the mysteries of blood sugar control, focusing on nutrition, exercise, and any of the other 40 factors that may impact your blood sugars. I'm Ben Tzeel, a registered dietitian, certified diabetes educator, strength coach, and Type 1 diabetic myself of over 20 years. Join me as I share my personal and professional experiences, helping you have your best blood sugars while living your best life with diabetes!
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Language: en-us

Genres: Health & Fitness, Nutrition

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Hypoglycemia Unawareness: The Silent Danger of Low Blood Sugar
Episode 89
Sunday, 2 March, 2025

In this episode, we're diving deep into a topic that’s crucial but often overlooked - hypoglycemia unawareness. This happens when you don’t feel the symptoms of low blood sugar, which can be dangerous and even life-threatening. I’m sharing stories, real-life examples, and practical tips on how to manage this silent risk, especially with tools like CGMs and some creative solutions like having low snacks everywhere or training a diabetic alert dog. Whether you're newly diagnosed or have been living with diabetes for years, this episode is a must-listen. Let's talk about how we can stay safe even when our body isn’t giving us those warning signs!   Want the best blood sugars you’ve ever had while enjoying great food? Peep this:   RESOURCES: Download these FREE guides that will help you on your diabetes, nutrition, and exercise journey! Join our EXCLUSIVE Facebook group! Watch my food breakdowns here →   LET’S TALK! Instagram: @manoftzeel Tiktok: @manoftzeel  


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