Fitness Shorts  

Fitness Shorts

Author: Jonathan Nardinochi

Just me, in a room, talking to myself about everything and anything regarding Health & Fitness.This podcast was designed to make sure you never stress about your health, fitness, or nutrition in bite-size, to the point episodes. Doesnt matter if your goal is losing weight, gaining muscle, living longer, or eating healthier I make sure you dont stress the details and have solutions that fit your needs. Think less confusion, more assistance, and a place you can trust. No matter what you might believe, good health is simply a matter of having access to the right information that fits into your preferences and then be provided with a roadmap of what to do so its easy to take action.Hosted by Jon Nardinochi with over 20 years experience from a former pro athlete to a personal trainer to busy, stressed people, looking to get fitter, stronger and healthier Your struggles are my motivation to solve your problems.Find out more on
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Language: en

Genres: Fitness, Health & Fitness, Nutrition

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Wednesday, 1 January, 1000


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