The UFFDA! Podcast  

The UFFDA! Podcast

Author: Jordan Rudolph and Emily O'Connor

The UFFDA! Podcast: : A Surprisingly Fresh Take On...Opens the door to new information and new solutions to everyday topics surrounding health, fitness, and everything in between.
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Language: en

Genres: Fitness, Health & Fitness, Nutrition

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The Power of Rate of Perceieved Exertion (RPE)
Episode 3
Sunday, 23 June, 2024

We're back talking more things fitness in this week's episode of The UFFDA! Podcast.  Every few episode we decide to dive into more fitness and exercise-specific topics to help you on your journey.  This week we're talking about the Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE), which is the level of intensity or how difficult something is in the gym.  Enjoy! Introduction to the Episode - 1:00 --> How we got to talking about RPE, why it was created, and why it matters towards your strength training and cardio training needs. RPE for Strength Training - 6:07 --> Understand how RPE is used based on reps for strength training. RPE for Cadio Training - 9:33 --> Understand how RPE is used for prescribing different types of cardio training and how your heart impacts RPE.    Book your free Discovery Call by clicking here. Are you ready to build your confidence and take back control of your life? We know those steps are hard, which is why we offer a free Discovery Call to any and everyone looking to make a change in their journey. You'll connect with one of the professionals from Unity Fitness on a 30-minute call where we can ask questions and answer all of yours, with the intention of helping you find the perfect fit for your goals and journey (whether it's with us or someone else). Book your free Discovery Call by clicking here. PS if you or someone you know needs to talk to someone, please reach out so we can help! We are here for you! Find us on social media or send a email over to   Don't forget to Subscribe, Share, Download, and Leave us a Review!!


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