The Game Plan Podcast  

The Game Plan Podcast

Author: tgpfit

Strategies that you can put to practice right away to build long term habits for life.
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Language: en

Genres: Fitness, Health & Fitness, Nutrition

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Ep17 - With Special Guest Rory Kinsella
Episode 17
Friday, 4 September, 2020

Whether we feel like our lives are going 1000 miles per hour or we feel stuck in a phase in our lives that we can't break from. Meditation has always been recommended as a practice to become more conscious and aware, so we don't feel like life's flashing before our lives on a daily. But what actually is meditation? How is it actually practical in the context of becoming a better you? How do we know if it's actually working. All these questions and more are answered by this week's very special guest, Rory Kinsella. Owner of Rory Kinsella Meditation. Rory is an expert in Vedic meditation, which he has used to help people move away from bad habit such as alcohol and drugs to live a more conscious and happy life. We hope you enjoy this episode. 


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